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NCBMTB Approved Continuing Education Hours: 19

Timeline: 3 day seminar

                Day 1: 6:30pm – 9:30pm

                Day 2: 9am – 6pm (one hour lunch)

                Day 3: 9am – 6pm (one hour lunch)

Cost: Early Bird $395, Normal $425, Review Rate 40% off

In many ways, the lower body is the unsung hero of the muscular system. It has an enormous responsibility in providing both support and locomotion. To effectively treat the lower body, the therapist must understand the relationships and complexities of the musculature. The class is structured upon precise manual techniques for incredibly thorough treatment interspersed with clinical applications to help the therapist know what muscles to treat and why to treat them. 

Three major areas of focus of the PNMT Lower Extremity are:

1. The HipRestrictions and pain in the hip muscles are very common, yet often the client is unaware of the extent of the restriction. The effect of these restrictions is often played out as pain elsewhere, such as lower back pain. What the hip cannot do, the lower back will compensate for. No amount of lower back treatment will ultimately be successful if the hip restriction is unaddressed. After learning very precise assessment approaches, treatment of the complex muscles of the hip is highly focused and precise. 

2. The KneeThere are multiple muscular causes for medial, lateral, and posterior knee pain. If the client presents these symptoms to other health care providers, an immediate assumption is made that deeper more intrajoint structures are suspect. Our evaluation techniques can help you discern when to refer, but quite often the problem is found in the musculature surrounding the knee. It is a great service to your client if PNMT can solve what is perceived to be a much more intrinsic problem via precise manual methods. 

3. The Foot  What a structural masterpiece! From ankle sprains to conditions that present like and mimic plantar fasciitis, this area of the course will be infinitely practical. So many people struggle with foot pain and need the highly precise treatment that PNMT has to offer. The foot is very complex, but we will break it down in a memorable and applicable way that will drastically increase your results. 

The class is predominately hands-on. You must understand the assessments, but you must "know" the techiques in your hands, and there is no way to do that other than doing them multiple times on multiple people. In the end, we don't just teach you how, we teach you why

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