NCBMTB Approved Continuing Education Hours: 8
Timeline: 1 day seminar
Day 1: 9am – 6pm (one hour lunch)
Cost: Early Bird $230, Normal $250, Review Rate 40% off
Shoulder pain is the second-most common musculoskeletal reason that people seek medical attention. Unfortunately, as with many other conditions, there are a multitude of reasons that might explain a client’s presenting symptom. With a client who presents pain in the anterior shoulder, how do you quickly and accurately review the possibilities to explore the two or three most likely reasons for this problem? Many therapists use sensitivity, but tissue sensitivity can be very misleading. Special tests are not completely exclusive to other factors. How do you balance all these factors and still practice with a measure of certainty? These issues are exactly what the PNMT for the Shoulder seminar will explore in-depth. With abundant hands-on time and very flexible treatment approaches, you and your clients will love the results.
This seminar is overwhelmingly hands-on and limited to 20 therapists. Don't miss out on a seminar that could help so many of your clients!