NCBMTB Approved Continuing Education Hours: 19
Timeline: 3 day seminar
Day 1: 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Day 2: 9am – 6pm (one hour lunch)
Day 3: 9am – 6pm (one hour lunch)
Cost: Early Bird $395, Normal $425, Review Rate 40% off
The PNMT Upper Extremity Seminar is one of the most popular seminars in the PNMT core series. It is an in-depth look at shoulder issues and problems of the hand and arm, an important area for those of us whose hands are our instruments!
The Shoulder
Friday evening and all day Saturday we will address the shoulder, analyzing both scapular movement and glenohumeral movement. In the first section we will address muscles that affect movement of the scapula. Full scapular motion is crucial to full range of motion of the arm as the motions are paired. The complexity of the scapular muscles alone is a bit challenging; it is important to pair scapular movements with corresponding humeral motions. By the end of the seminar, you will never watch someone lift their arm and see it in the same way again!
In the second section of the shoulder, we will focus on pure humeral motion. Full range of the arm is often restricted in ways that we do not often realize. You will learn to precisely measure and then affect change in the movements that are quite amazing! You will be surprised at the changes in range of motion and ease of movement you can create in a short amount of time. Your clients will really appreciate the difference, your effectiveness rate with stubborn shoulder problems will dramatically improve.
Hand and Arm Issues
The second part (most of the last day) of the PNMT Upper Extremity Seminar looks at hand and arm issues including repetitive strain issues and various forms of overuse syndromes. This is a complex area, but whom better to treat it than people who use their hands as the tools for healing? Most of us learn the anatomy of this area only later to forget it once again. Memorizing muscles with no real connection to meaning doesn't work for most of us. When you see how each muscle has a distinct set of symptoms, it is easier to remember individual anatomy. You will assess each muscle for individual involvement and treat each one appropriately.
The hand and arm section is organized with two agendas: common pain conditions and nerve entrapment.