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2024 PNMT Colloquium:


The PNMT Colloquium gathers PNMT therapists from all over the country to network, discuss, and learn. This year's Colloquium, the first for 6 years, will revolve around the themes of connections. Including presentations from Dr. Donald Neumann, Doug Nelson, and Seth Will.


The overarching theme of connections runs through every aspect of this event. In PNMT, we approach anatomy as not just an in-depth knowledge of the soft tissue in question, but our focus is on a systems-theory approach. As an example, no one muscle does anything in the body, groups of muscles create movement. And when that happens, other groups of muscles control the effect of that action, different muscles mostly monitor movement, and other muscles create the foundation for all this to happen. If we want to create results, we must possess a deep understanding of these connections. 


One of the strongest predictors of successful outcomes is the strength of the connection between therapist and client. These important soft skills are exactly that- skills.  Skills can be developed and sharpened. We will spend time exploring that dimension of the therapeutic encounter in creative and meaningful ways.


We will also bring back one of the most popular segments from a past Colloquium- The Palpation Games. In this segment, you will be challenged to up your palpation skills and have lots of fun doing it. Following that is a segment on applying those techniques using dynamic palpation. 


Perhaps the greatest connection in the Colloquium will be with each other. This gathering has always been special as it is a chance to spend time with therapists who also love this work, a time to see old friends and make new ones. Anyone who has attended a previous Colloquium can tell you how magical these events are. You will leave inspired!


Dr. Donald Neumann

We are thrilled and honored to have Dr. Donald Neumann at Colloquium 2024.  His textbook is used in physical therapy schools across the country and is one of the best resources for an in-depth understanding of functional anatomy. 

Dr. Neumann was also asked to contribute a chapter to "Gray's Anatomy", a high honor indeed! 

Speaking to PT's and MD's around the globe, we have promised him that the PNMT audience is composed of humble and curious therapists who will deeply appreciate his knowledge. 



PNMT Colloquium Schedule


Sunday, Jun 16, 2024 - Day 1


8:30 AM - Introduction, logistics, and presenting Dr. Neumann

9:00 AM - Dr. Neumann -  Kinesiologic Foundations of the Shoulder and Hip: A Focus on Structural and Functional Interactions

12:30 PM - Lunch (provided)

1:45 PM - Q and A with Dr. Neumann 

2:30 PM - Seth Will - Individuating and Uniting the Girdles (Shoulder and Pelvic): Hands-on and Movement interventions for the Anterior and Posterior Slings

In this segment, Seth will help participants explore the relevancy of  Anterior and Posterior slings and integrate a progression/sampling of different somatic/neuromuscular integration techniques

5:30 PM - End

6:00 PM - Dinner at Doug Nelson's House


Monday, June 17th, 2024 - Day 2

8:30 AM - Breakfast (provided) and Introduction to Day 2

9:30 AM - Nick Clegg- The Power of Words

Nick Clegg is an educational consultant, school psychologist, and the founder of Clegg Solutions LLC. He provides professional development on a variety of topics including: the psychology of pain, teacher/student mediations, and suicide awareness.

10:30 AM - Doug Nelson - Connecting with our Clients- Developing Our Soft Skills

12:00 PM -  Lunch

1:15 PM - Palpation Skill Development- The Palpation Games!

2:30 PM - Doug Nelson - Dynamic Palpation Integration Techniques

4:00 PM - Conclusion, instructor panel, final words

4:30 PM -  End

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